Sometimes, preemtively, I miss NY. I miss the view from our apartment, Prospect Park, Mexican food (shut up, California), pizza, bagels, Red Hook, the swimming pool... and BAM.
Movies, dance, theater, music, opera. Become a member and the movies are half off, as are day-of tickets for everything else. It's within reasonable walking distance for us, with plenty of excellent food/drink/ice cream options on the way. There's even a great bookstore a few blocks away, to kill that extra twenty minutes while I wait for R to get out of work and meet me, or vice versa.
The only thing I could begin to complain about is the quality of the popcorn, and then only because I've had Film Forum's. Anyway, since we usually meet in the evenings for a 7ish show, we skip the popcorn and bring in sandwiches. Is this technically allowed? I think it makes the experience a little more civilized, eating our ciabatta-roasted-veg-goat-cheese sandwiches and sipping a hard cider. No one's ever complained.
BAM generally doesn't show blockbusters, but they're making an exception for Star Wars. (We went on Christmas Eve. The Harvey screen was the exact perfect size for my field of vision.) Generally there's a mixture of first-run films and thematic series of older films, occasionally even with musical accompaniment. Theater runs the gamut from Shakespeare to French robots; dance from ballet to modern. Opera I have no idea, because I don't like opera; I assume it's of the same generally high quality and intriguing variety.
Living where we do, we find ourselves at BAM at least once every week or two. Along with Prospect Park and Fairway, it's one of the pillars of our Brooklyn existence, and I will be sad when it's time to say goodbye.
RECIPE: Naan. R makes some amazing curries, and I'll choose this as a side over rice any day.,